Art & Wellness Experiences
These individual and group experiences help creative souls build capacity for their practice and lay a solid foundation for their own wellbeing. In partnership with local artists and personal practitioners, these experiences give holistic support for the mind, body, soul and spirit.
Divina @ the DAM is a guided experience of Visio Divina at the Denver Art Museum. Visio Divina (“divine seeing” in Latin) is the slow, meditative contemplation of an artwork, photograph or other visual that invites us to encounter the divine through imagery. In this small group experience, we spend extended time individually with a single piece of art and then gather to share and process together. Hosted on the 1st Tuesday of each month.
Lenten Listening is a group spiritual direction experience where we first spend time within the Lenten texts uncovering their gifts to our souls. Then, through reflection and creative practice, we’ll discover insight for our individual journeys.
No art experience is necessary, in fact, the less experience the better! Together, we curate a contemplative space and invite our intuitive, inner artist to flow through us in whatever form brings us delight. All the while paying attention to what shimmers as we awaken to the presence of the Divine within and among us.
Artful Communion is a new monthly creative experience in partnership with Loto Wellness Collective. These online gatherings integrate art, wellness, and spiritual practices in a 90-minute, participative experience. Together, we curate a sacred space where we practice the presence of the Divine through creativity. Our executive director, John Maikowski, co-leads these experiences with Loto's founder, Jennifer Axcell.
Insight from Your Inner Artist is an artistic integration combining a contemplative imagination exercise with watercolor, collage, and reflection to surface the deep questions of the soul.
Intuitive Mark-Making is a creative combining of artistic technique training with freeform mark-making to expand creative expression.
Soul Abstraction is a two-session painting training and contemplative practice combining a step-by-step, abstract cloud painting experience with meditations on the 14th century anonymous work of Christian mysticism, The Cloud of Unknowing.
Accounting in Primary Colors is a quarterly workshop designed especially for creative freelancers who don't want to become starving artists. This workshop helps build a financial foundation for your craft, business, or nonprofit work.